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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Editor(s)Type
2021The impact of online agricultural extension to farmers in Greece: a case studyZoukidis, Konstantinos; Koutsoukos, Marios; Blioukas, Theodoros; Pourikas, Ioannis; Bakodimos, Demetrios; Vergos, Evangelos-Conference Paper
2020The impact of the agricultural extension on the sustainability of the agrifood industry: the case of contract durum wheat farmers and past production in GreeceVergos, Evangelos; Zoukidis, Konstantinos; Koutsoukos, Marios; Pourikas, Ioannis; Bakodimos, Demetrios; Papakonstantinou, Anna-Conference Paper
21-Oct-2023Monastic agrifood products in Greece: trends and perspectivesKoutsoukos, Marios; Liaros, Nikolaos; Vergos, Evangelos; Zoukidis, Konstantinos; Papakonstantinou, Anna-Journal Article
14-Jun-2024Planning and implementation of an educational programme for adult educators' training: the case study of a 25-hour distance and face-to-face programmeKoutsoukos, Marios; Mavropoulou, Eleni; Antonopoulou, Stavroula; Fintzou, Erikaiti-Journal Article
31-Oct-2023Professional training of new farmers: the case of students of the American Farm School Vocational Training InstitutePapakonstantinou, Anna; Koutsoukos, Marios; Zoukidis, Konstantinos; Vergos, EvangelosRusu, TeodorBook chapter
15-Jun-2022Vocational training of young farmers: the case of students of the American Farm School Vocational Training InstitutePapakonstantinou, Anna; Koutsoukos, Marios; Zoukidis, Konstantinos; Vergos, Evangelos-Journal Article